In this time of crisis due
to COVID-19, we applaud the efforts of our doctors, nurses, health care
professionals, health care support staff, fire fighters, EMTs, police, letter
carriers, sanitation workers, teachers, store clerks, food production
employees, farmers, and everyone else who makes it possible for us to care for
those who are ill and those who are isolated at home.
While we are not meeting in
person or out knocking on doors, our work continues. In addition to social
media and email, we will be doing more outreach through the U.S. Mail. We must
also continue to pay for our office rent and utilities.
If you are a monthly
supporter, we appreciate your ongoing commitment to the organization. We also
appreciate the annual checks that we have received from some of our special
donors. We hope that everyone will continue to donate to fund our work during
this vital election year. Our priorities will be on voter outreach and
engagement to help elect more Democrats here in DuPage County. Don't forget, we
can elect a majority on the County Board and the Forest Preserve Commission, as
well as electing more judges to the Circuit Court, county wide offices, and to
the State Legislature. It is our job to help get voters to the polls and we
welcome your support. Here are links to online donation opportunities:
DGTDO Office Fund - What your donation will buy:
· $48 per month funds the office for one day per month
· $24 per month funds the office for one-half day per month
· $12 per month funds the office for one-quarter ay per month
Voter Outreach - What your donation will buy:
· $100 = printing and postage to reach 150 voters
· $50 = printing and postage to reach 75 voters
· $10 = printing and postage to reach 13 voters
Political research and other tasks - What your donation will buy:
· $130 = stipend for 10 hours of political research by person unemployed by COVID-19
· $67.50 = stipend for 5 hours of phone banking or research by a college student
Thank you for your continued support!