By Kim Savage, DGTDO Chair
Do you have a voting plan? Studies
show that people who have a voting plan are more likely to vote than those who do
not think about it in advance. Make sure everyone in your household and in your
“bubble” has a voting plan and make sure they vote!
We all know that this is the
most important election of our lifetime. Just as important as voting is making
sure you finish your ballot! Finishing your ballot means voting it from top to
bottom, starting with the Fair Tax Amendment all the way down to the Circuit
Court Judges. The Trump voters will vote for EVERY Republican on the ballot
without question. However, we know that Democrats are likely to vote only for
the candidates they know. Seriously, I hope everyone reading this understands
that the DuPage Republicans have endorsed Trump. The DuPage GOP is Trump, so
skipping Democratic candidates means that you will be voting for Trump
supporting Republicans. Let’s keep Trump-supporting Republicans out of office
by voting for all candidates up and down the ballot.
If you are still not sure
about some candidates or issues, we have loaded up our website with tons of
information. The Democratic Party of DuPage County also has a boatload of
information, plus, they have assisted the Democrats running for office
county-wide and for County Board to make videos. Watch the videos. Share them
with your family and friends. Then, share them again. Don’t forget to vote for
EVERY Democrat on your ballot! Remember, the Republicans running for these
offices have endorsed Donald Trump for President (need I say more?).
Speaking of the Republicans,
they still control the DuPage County Board and the Forest Preserve District. If
you have been reading my messages, you know we can flip these bodies in this
election. If you weren’t sure you should vote for the fiercely capable
Democrats running for these positions, let me share an important reason why you
should vote for the Democratic candidates. The Republican controlled County
Board voted to exclude two Important referendum questions from the ballot that
would provide you, the voters, with the opportunity to give advice on
consolidating the Recorder’s Office with the Clerk’s Office and to reduce the
size of the County Board. These questions were proposed by Democratic members
of the Board and replaced by the questions that are on your ballot asking about
making funding for law enforcement a priority, providing PPE, and training law
enforcement. Hello! They are already doing these things, and if not, why not?
But, guess what? They can only have 3 questions on the ballot. Enough said, (so
if you want to skip something on the ballot, those are the ones to blow past
because they are just there for distraction and to appeal to the Republican
base. Just make sure to complete your ballot for all the candidate races).
Remember, everyone in Downers
Grove Township (and all of DuPage County) has a Democratic Congressional
Representative and a Democratic County Board member. In our township, we have
one Democratic State Representative, Anne Stava-Murray. She has proven herself
as someone who fights for her constituents in Springfield and brings new energy
to the legislature. Her opponent is well liked locally, but remember, she is a
DuPage Republican and supports Donald Trump. We have the opportunity to elect
another Democrat in the northeast portion of the township, Jennifer Zordani.
Jennifer is a fierce, no-nonsense candidate who stepped up to run for Congress
in 2018. She has continued to be engaged with the community since then and believes
in the great state that Illinois can become again. She is running against a
Tea-Party Trump supporter who has a spotty record of attendance in Springfield
and is an avowed Illinois-hater. Vote for these Democrats if they are on your
ballot. You will not regret it.
While we all have Democratic
Congresspeople in Downers Grove Township, we cannot take it for granted. Whether
you are in Sean Casten’s district, or another Congressional District, it is
essential that people get out and volunteer for Sean’s campaign! We fought hard
to get him elected and he has responsibly served his constituency. If you are
in one of the other districts, we want you to support your Democratic
representative too, but Sean must be re-elected, so please help get the job
Fairness is also on the ballot
this year. The DuPage County Democratic Central Committee (which is made up of
all the Precinct Committeepersons in the county) voted to endorse the Fair Tax
Amendment. Every Democratic leader in Illinois also supports this initiative. The
Fair Tax Amendment will bring our tax system up-to-date with the one used by a
majority of states and the federal government, lift the burden off of lower and
middle-income Illinoisans by asking the wealthiest to pay their fair share, and
ensure at least 97% of Illinoisans see their taxes cut or remain the same.
Are you ready to do this? Make
your vote plan. Vote as soon as you can, either by mail or in person;
preferably on a paper ballot (the only Early Voting location with paper ballots
is at the DuPage County Fairgrounds). If you requested a Vote by Mail Ballot,
you MUST either vote it and return it by mail, in a designated drop box at a
polling location, or bring it with you (including envelope) to your polling
place on Election Day. If you vote on Election Day or in person Early Voting, be
safe. Please wash your hands, keep your face covered, and maintain an
appropriate social distance.
No matter how you vote, be
sure to FINISH your ballot from top to bottom.