Please donate today to keep our office open. While we are not meeting in person and have had less face-to-face contact with voters, our work continues. In addition to social media and email, we have done more outreach through the U.S. Mail. We must also continue to pay for our office rent and utilities.
DGTDO Office Fund - What your donation will buy:
· $48 per month funds the office for one day per month
· $24 per month funds the office for one-half day per month
· $12 per month funds the office for one-quarter ay per month
Voter Outreach - What your donation will buy:
· $100 = printing and postage to reach 150 voters
· $50 = printing and postage to reach 75 voters
· $10 = printing and postage to reach 13 voters
Political research and other tasks - What your donation will buy:
· $130 = stipend for 10 hours of political research by person unemployed by COVID-19
· $67.50 = stipend for 5 hours of phone banking or research by a college student
Thank you for your continued support!