Tuesday, June 16, 2020



By Carla Feinkind

We kept shaking our heads in sorrow and anger that another Black man was MURDERED by the police.  This time the viciousness of the Floyd LYNCHING was FILMED!  Immediately, PEACEFUL, INTEGRATED marches of people of all ages filled streets nationwide, even in our local communities...and worldwide! (Early on, some rightwing opportunists and some local idiots looted.  The media always acknowledged that those were NOT the marchers.)   In fact, after a week or so, some police leaders marched, and some took the knee.  Now, cultural leaders and sports icons are in.  Even Trump supporter, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, publicly admitted that he and the NFL were wrong to condemn players who knelt for Black Lives Matter. (Though, still no apology to Kaepernick.) This is not just a moment. This is a MOVEMENT!

Eventually, the marches will become less frequent and taper off.  People will go back to work and school...but, it doesn't look like that will end the movement.  The proof is the POLITICAL action taking place in cities, towns, states and in Congress.  Choke holds are being outlawed, police transparency is being required, there is talk of restructuring police departments.  This looks like the beginning...

If you truly want this to be a movement, STAY INVOLVED and BUSY.  
  • MARCH if there is a march and you are able.
  • TALK with friends and neighbors to build the community for change. 
  • CALL elected leaders to press for continued ACTION and to THANK them for STANDING UP if they have.
  • WRITE letters to the editor. 
  • VOTE SMART and by mail.  
Every movement took real commitment and passion for JUSTICE and PEACE ... and sacrifice.  People went to jail.  People were even murdered. But people kept on keeping on.  Movements for change and justice can take years, but when people stay busy and VOTE for change and justice, WE WIN!  In my lifetime we won civil rights legislation. We protested the Viet Nam war and we beat the military industrial complex and brought about an end to the war.

WE MUST KEEP ON KEEPING ON!  If you believe in the "American Dream" and justice for ALL, GET BUSY and STAY BUSY!   AND VOTE BLUE TOP TO BOTTOM because it is NOT just TRUMP!