Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Gun Safety - Possible Gun Safety Legislation

Possible Gun Safety Legislation

Edited from a Facebook post, common sense gun safety legislation to think about:

·       Close all acquisition loopholes – universal background checks

·       Require training for permits to purchase

·       Enhance training for permits to carry; State-administered test

·       Carry permits expire yearly instead of in 5 years

·       Longer waiting periods, even with permits

·       Require purchase/carry permit for ammunition

·       Ammunition purchase limits

·       Lower magazine capacity

·       Require sheriffs to store guns for free if you know you shouldn’t have them right now

·       Firearm registration with strong privacy law

·       Secure storage requirements at all times and places, not just around minors

·       Must be at least 21 to buy rifles and/or certain class of assault rifles

·       0% blood alcohol level while carrying (to include no level of intoxication from other drugs)

·       Enhance reporting of charges and convictions