Wednesday, November 18, 2020



By Kim Savage

Woo hoo! Thank you to everyone who helped make the 2020 election historic! While it has been a tough year for everyone, we can take pride in all of the excellent candidates who put themselves out there on behalf of the community! Five residents of our township stepped up to run as Democrats in this cycle; Sean Casten for U.S. Congress, Jennifer Zordani for State Representative, Gail Cabala-Lowery for County Board, Greg Whalen for Coroner, and Bill White for Auditor. At the time I am writing this, it appears likely that Bill will overcome the Election Night vote deficit and win his election.

We made some historic gains in DuPage County by electing Candice Adams as Clerk of the Circuit Court, Kathy Carrier as Recorder of Deeds, and Peggy O’Connell as a Circuit Court Judge. Closer to home, both candidates in District 2 that serves the northern part of our township won their races; Paula Deacon Garcia for County Board and Tina Tyson-Dunne for the Forest Preserve District. Altogether, Democrats have now captured the majority of seats on the County Board and the Forest Preserve District. Kudos to Sean Casten and Anne Stava-Murray for their re-elections.

These historic gains and the massive voter turnout are due to the diligence of the candidates, Precinct Committeepersons and other volunteers who stuffed bags, distributed literature, made calls and wrote postcards (both local and national). Thank you! We also owe a debt of gratitude to the volunteers who kept the office open seven days each week, as well as the Election Judges and Pollwatchers who worked on Election Day to ensure that votes were safely cast. Thank you! We also need to give a big shout out to Cynthia Borbas, Chair of the DuPage Democrats and Nate Sippel, the Executive Director of the DPDC who gave their endless energy and support to the Election effort. Thank you! Unfortunately, we did not have a clean sweep across the board, but we are proud of everyone who ran. Thank you! We should also mention the awesome organization of Postcard 2 Swing States by two of our township residents Reid McCollum and Ramsey Ellis and all of the volunteers who engaged with the project. Thank you! All of the wins were built on the shoulders of the true believers who have volunteered to carry the Democratic torch here for decades. Thank you!

Our thanks could go on for pages and pages, but the important point here is the massive team effort contributed to wins locally, as well as nationwide. Even though we may be tempted to take a deep breath, we cannot slow down; there are two Senate races in Georgia that need immediate attention! Beyond that, we still need candidates to step up to run for municipal, library, park district, school boards, College of DuPage, and Fire Protection Districts. We also need to stay engaged to make historic gains in April by electing Democrats to the Downers Grove Township Government.

Once again, thank you to everyone who helped make this a glorious year and please stay engaged in 2021. The best is yet to come!